About us

ChildTuition Foundation is a Dutch Charitable Trust. It’s official name is Stichting ChildTuition. The ChildTuition Foundation was initiated by a group of individuals with strong backgrounds in multimedia, education and linguistics.

Nico Nobel
Dr. N. (Nico) Nobel

Nico Nobel (83), our beloved founder and friend passed away on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 in his residency Noordwijk, The Netherlands. We thank him for providing us with his inspiration and contributions to the foundation.

Nobel studied Law at Leiden University. He subsequently worked in Amsterdam as a tax-lawyer and as a publisher of articles and newsletters about Dutch and international tax law.

As a student, Nobel became friends with an Indian boy studying at Cambridge University. This friend invited him to tour India after finishing his studies, and he accepted. In 1958 he completed a 7 month tour through India by car, nearly covering the entire country. Having made a number of new friends, he returned often for short visits. As a result, Nobel regards India as a second home, and himself as half-Dutch and half-Indian.

Since 2006, Nobel focused on the activities of the ChildTuition Foundation.

Dr. Ir. J. (Jasper) Kappen
Mr. R.A. (Rene) Bakker
Treasurer and Secretary
Mr. P. (Peter) T. M. van den Oord
Board Member

The activities for the foundation are carried out by the board on a voluntary basis. They do not receive any compensation for this.